Citizenship Who Buys a House in Turkey
Citizenship who buys a house in Turkey:
Turkey directly grants citizenship to foreigners who buy real estate worth 250 thousand dollars. High-income Europeans and Middle Easterners are interested in this practice, both because the amount is low and because of the idea of maintaining the Turkish lifestyle. Moreover, in this way, applicants are given citizenship directly, not "residence permit". As a result of making the necessary investment and collecting the relevant documents, an application for Turkish Citizenship through Real Estate Investment is made to the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs under the Ministry of Interior of Turkey. The process begins when the foreign investor applies to a consulting firm in Turkey. After the necessary documents are delivered, the Republic of Turkey ID cards are delivered to the whole family in an average of 45-50 days.
It is estimated that this situation is among the reasons why these countries come to the fore in house sales to foreigners in Turkey. On the other hand, the "strength of the passport" is not the only criterion to understand who is interested in Turkish citizenship. There are other reasons why the rich in the Middle East prefer Turkish passports over European countries, which have already entered more than 180 countries.
Required Terms of Service
Foreign nationals can also purchase from ongoing projects and apply for Turkish citizenship, provided that they meet the following conditions:
-Condominium servitude or ownership must have been established on the immovable.
-Minimum 250,000 USD (USD / US Dollar) or Turkish Lira equivalent of a different foreign currency must be deposited in advance.
-A notarized sales promise contract should be made for the real estate. In addition, this contract must be annotated in the land registry with a commitment that the title deed cannot be abandoned or transferred to another person for a period of 3 (three) years.