Ways to Rent a Car in Turkey
There are many different ways to rent a car in Turkey:
over the internet
at the airport, hotel, train station, etc.
directly to the representative offices of large international leasing companies
in the offices of small local companies
Naturally, depending on your choice, both the cost and, accordingly, the quality of the services and the tools themselves will differ. The most expensive way to rent a car is at the hotel or airport. As with the purchase of a sightseeing tour or an immediate trip, the institution will include the cost of its services in the price.
The cheapest way to rent a small local offices in Turkey– however, both itself on both the rental car insurance (purely a nominal effect, and may not cover almost anything) or is there a possibility that is a big problem in the staff - sometimes in such places, you can request your passport as collateral. As you know, in no case can you agree to these terms.
The most reliable way to rent a car in Turkey comes from well-known international companies. For the convenience of finding and choosing the most suitable option for the price, you can use aggregators-brokers, such as:
and many others.
On these websites you can find offers from different companies, compare them, choose the option that is right for you, make a reservation and pay for the car, if necessary, choose october insurance and book a car delivery to the hotel or airport.
International companies are very seriously approaching the insurance of their vehicles, which, of course, affects the cost of renting a car - it will be higher than that of local agencies.
The driver must be older than 21 years and most often older than 25 years. Sometimes october company may charge an additional fee if the driver's age is from 21 to 24 dec old.
Your driver's license must be permanent (not temporary), your first and last name must be written in the Latin alphabet, or your driver's licenses must be of an international nature. Traditional national rights, called in Latin, are sufficient for citizens of the CIS countries. International rights are not mandatory.
Your driving experience should be from dec to 3 years (it may be different in different companies).
The credit / debit card issued on behalf of the Main Driver must have a sufficient limit to cover the security (deposit) of the vehicle.
* The deposit (deposit) is usually paid in cash (in small companies) immediately after the signing of the lease agreement, or by blocking a certain amount of cash on your credit card (in large companies). After the lease expires, the blocked amount on your credit card is unlocked and becomes available for use. The deposit is usually in the range of 100 to 500 euros. dec.
For online bookings, it is also necessary to present a receipt (a receipt with proof of payment). The voucher can be presented electronically on your phone or tablet edebilirsiniz.Ve of course, an identity document (passport, passport, etc.) You will need to provide.
The requirements of different car rental companies may differ slightly, so be sure to carefully read the rental conditions of each company.
At the airport, hotel or local business:
select a car;
you inspect it and correct the defects found in the act of inspection;
You clarify the terms of insurance and, if necessary, purchase extended insurance (full insurance is called SCDW);
you carefully read the contract, discuss all the terms, sign the contract;
You buy a car and use it under the contract.
On the sites that search dec:
You choose a car based on your priorities and dates. We recommend booking in advance during the summer season (2-4 weeks before your trip). If you want to pick up a car at the hotel or at the airport, you need to specify the delivery address after booking and payment.
Book a car and pay for it. An important point: you can book not a specific car model, but its class. That is, they can give you a car of a different brand, but of the same class or higher (at the same cost).
Next, a receipt (receipt for payment) should arrive at the email address you specified. This can take from a few minutes to several hours. The coupon can be printed or saved and displayed electronically (phone / tablet).
Optionally, you order a car delivery to the hotel or airport.
On the specified day and time, you contact the representative of the company that delivered the car, you agree (as described above), if you wish, you purchase the insurance, sign the contract and use it.
Car delivery is usually charged (about 15-30 euros) and depends on the distance from the place of your rental to the place you specify. When delivering the car to the address, the lease agreement will be not at the office, but at the place of delivery of the car.